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Flesh-crested blenny


Omobranchus fasciolatoceps

A small and long fish less than 8 cm length in length without scales. It is commonly found in the intertidal zone among rocks.

一種長度小於 8 厘米的魚,常見於潮間帶的岩石之間

During low tide, it retreats under rocks or into empty bivalve shells to prevent drying out.


Has a fleshy crest which earns its other common name, Top-Hat Blenny.

牠頭上的肉質冠膜使牠得到另一個英文別名,"Top-hat Blenny"(意指戴禮帽的鳚魚)

Where to find?

Pebble Beach 礫石灘

Rocky Shore 岩岸

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